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Allume and RENU announce first shared multifamily solar system in US

Allume Energy, RENU Communities and esaSolar today announced successfully commissioning Orlando’s first behind-the-meter shared solar system in a multifamily building, according to a press release.

The companies say the solar system is the first of its kind in the U.S., and will generate clean renewable electricity for a 296-unit, garden-style multifamily complex (Canopy Villa Apartments) in Orlando, Florida.

Allume says that by utilizing its SolShare technology, community residents will be able to subscribe to a portion of the solar energy produced and offset the cost of their individual electricity bills. It claims that SolShare is the “world’s only hardware for sharing roofstop solar with multiple apartments in the same building,” and says that the tech will maximize the solar energy available for connected tenants and accelerate the transition to a carbon-neutral built environment.

Canopy is the first asset recently announced within a ESG-focused venture between Aegon Asset Management and parent of RENU, Taurus Investment Holdings. RENU, a sustainable retrofit subsidiary, says that the partnership will acquire multifamily assets and aims to significantly reduce energy consumption and carbon output while improving quality of life for residents.

“This innovative partnership represents RENU’s core values of constantly evaluating and implementing tailored solutions for our projects. We are excited for this collaboration, leveraging this technology to accelerate the distribution of clean energy and improve resiliency,” stated Christopher Gray, PhD., Chief Technology Officer of RENU Communities, in the release.

The companies also noted that with 21.9 million apartment units in the U.S., this project is aimed at setting a precedent “for the multifamily real estate industry in Florida and beyond.”

As part of the shared solar project, the Orlando Utilities Commission worked with Allume, RENU and esaSolar to review and ensure that the system met interconnection and safety requirements, and stated that it has potential to significantly contribute to Orlando’s net-zero goals.

“Because Orlando is one of the fastest growing cities in Florida, it needs to develop affordable housing solutions that also prioritize energy efficiency and sustainability,” stated Morgan Brawner, esaSolar’s Vice President of Business Development.

In other recent proptech news, Obligo partnered with Wells Fargo to utilize Letters of Credit in lieu of security deposits. Enseo also partnered with Volara to introduce voice controls to senior living communities.

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